Posts Widget

Table of Contents

Content #


  1. Skin: Choose from two pre-designed skins: classic or card
  2. Posts Per Page: Choose the number of posts to display each page
  3. Columns: Select the no. of columns for displaying posts items
  4. Title: Option to display the title of the post
  5. Meta: Option to display information such as the date of the post, comment, category, and tag


  1. Post Type: Display the content according to posts, pages, media, landing pages, or my templates which can be chosen from Post Type
  2. Categories Filter (Note: This option is only available in the post type option post.)
  3. Exclude: Select exclude if you don’t want your preferred categories to be displayed
  4. Include: Select include if you want your preferred categories to be displayed
  5. Author Filter
  6. Include: Select include if you want to display a post by the author
  7. Exclude: Select exclude if you don’t want to display a post by the author
  8. Ignore Sticky Post: Choose to ignore sticky post
  9. Exclude Current Post: Option to show or hide recent post


Note: Excerpt is the summary of the post content which can be shown shortly in the post.

  1. Excerpt: Option to show excerpt
  2. Length:  Option to show how long the excerpt is
  3. More Text: Include to display at the end of the excerpt

Call To Action

  1. Link To: Choose the link to the title image or CTA(Button)
  2. Call To Action: It is for inserting a link.
  3. Type: Includes Element, text, button, icon, box, and none. Choose where to insert a link.

According to the type chosen, give the corresponding text or element and give your link inside Link.

Style #


  1. Column Gap: Increase the amount of space in the post’s column
  2. Row Gap: Increase the space in the post’s row.
  3. Alignment: Set the alignment to the left, right, or center of the content (Excerpt, title, meta)

Depending on the skin you choose, the following option may appear

Call To Action

  1. Typography: Set the typography of the button text, which includes (Font Family, Size, Weight, Transform, Style, Decoration, and Line-Height).
  2. Padding: Set the space around the button
  3. Border Type: Set the border of the button five borders
  4. Border Radius: Set the roundness of the button
  5. Box Shadow: Add shadow in button
  6. Color: Choose the color for the button text
  7. Background Color: Choose a color for the button background


Figure 1 Skin Classic


  1. Padding: Set the space around the box
  2. Content Padding: Set the space between the content
  3. Border Type: Set the border of the box’s five borders
  4. Border Radius: Set the roundness of the button
  5. Background Color: Choose a color for the box’s background
  6. Box Shadow: Add shadow in every box


  1. Position: Set the position of the image to the left, right, and top of the content area.
  2. Spacing: Set the spacing between the image and content area.
  3. Size: Increase or decrease the size of the image
  4. Border Radius: Set roundness in the image


  1. Color: Choose the color for the title
  2. Hover Cover: Choose the Title hover color
  3. Typography: Set the typography of the title, which includes (Font Family, Size, Weight, Transform, Style, Decoration, and Line-Height).
  4. Spacing: Set spacing between title and meta


  1. Color: Choose the color for the excerpt
  2. Typography: Set the typography of the excerpt, which includes (Font Family, Size, Weight, Transform, Style, Decoration, and Line-Height).
  3. Spacing: Set the spacing after the excerpt


  1. Padding: Set the space around the Meta box
  2. Gap: Set spacing between the meta like Date, Comment, Category
  3. Color: Choose the color for the meta
  4. Link Color: Choose the Link color for the meta
  5. Link Hover Color: Choose the Link Hover color
  6. Separator Color: Choose separator Color
  7. Typography: Set the typography of the meta, which includes (Font Family, Size, Weight, Transform, Style, Decoration, and Line-Height)
  8. Spacing: Set the spacing between meta and excerpt


Figure 2 Skin Card


  1. Padding: Set the space around the box
  2. Border Type: Set the border of the box’s five borders
  3. Border Radius: Set the roundness of the button
  4. Equal Height: Option to show the equal height of the card
  5. Background Color: Choose a color for the box’s background
  6. Box Shadow: Option to Add shadow in every box


  1. Spacing: Set the spacing between the image and content area.
  2. Size: Increase or decrease the size of the image
  3. Border Radius: Set roundness in the image
  4. Shrink Image By: Change the size of the image that appears above the card
  5. Move Up Image By: Move the image above the card to the top


  1. Size: Increase or decrease the size of the avatar
  2. Border Radius: Set roundness in the avatar


  1. Color: Choose the color for the title
  2. Hover Cover: Choose the Title hover color
  3. Typography: Set the typography of the title, which includes (Font Family, Size, Weight, Transform, Style, Decoration, and Line-Height)
  4. Spacing: Set spacing between title and meta


  1. Color: Choose the color for the excerpt
  2. Typography: Set the typography of the excerpt, which includes (Font Family, Size, Weight, Transform, Style, Decoration, and Line-Height).
  3. Spacing: Set the spacing after the excerpt


  1. Padding: Set the space around the Meta box
  2. Gap: Set spacing between the meta like Date, Comment, Category
  3. Color: Choose the color for the meta
  4. Link Color: Choose the Link color for the meta
  5. Link Hover Color: Choose the Link Hover color
  6. Separator Color: Choose separator Color
  7. Typography: Set the typography of the meta, which includes (Font Family, Size, Weight, Transform, Style, Decoration, and Line-Height)
  8. Border Top Size: Choose to add a border at the top of the meta box
  9. Border top Color: Choose the color for border-top

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