Slider Widget

Table of Contents

It allows you to add sliders to your pages and customize it as per your choice. Companion Addons for Elementor provides you various customization options under Slider Widget.

Content #


  1. Slides: You can add any number of slides you like clicking on ADD ITEM.
    • Image: Upload or remove image for slides.
    • Before Title: Add your title just before slide title.
    • Title: Add a title for slide.
    • After Title: Add your title just after slide title.
    • Description: Add your description to slide.
    • Caption: Put your caption text.
    • Primary Button: Add button text here.
    • Primary Button Link: Give a link to the primary button.
    • Secondary Button: Add button text for the secondary button.
    • Secondary Button Link: Give a link to the secondary button.

It is shown in the image below:


  1. Autoplay: Choose Yes or No to rotate slides automatically.
  2. Delay: Give time for delay. This time is in milliseconds Loop: Choose Yes or No to show slides in a continuous loop.
  3. Effect: Select the slide transition effect.
  4. Speed: Set the time it takes for the next slide to start rotating. This time is in milliseconds.
  5. Navigation: Choose to display navigation Arrows, Dots, Both or None

Style #

  1. Slider: Under Slider, you can choose Image Size to change the size of the image of slider and Background for the background of the slider.
  2. Content: Under Content, you are given the following options:
    • Alignment: Set the alignment for the whole slider area.
    • Text Alignment: Set the alignment for just text area of slides.
    • Show Description & Show Caption to show or hide them.
    • Horizontal position: Set the horizontal position of the slider area.
    • Vertical position: Set the vertical position for the slider area.
    • Similarly, background, padding, border, box-shadow are given for styling slider area.
  3. Title: Under Title, Color & Typography are given for before and after title. HTML tag, color, background, typography, border, and margin are given for styling the title.
  4. Description: HTML tag, color, background, typography, border, and margin are given for styling the description.
  5. Caption: HTML tag, color, background, typography, border, padding, and margin are given for styling the caption text.
  6. Primary Button: Background, typography, border, padding, box-shadow, and margin are given for styling the primary button text.
  7. Secondary Button: Background, typography, border, padding, box-shadow, and margin are given for styling the secondary button text.
  8. Navigation: Under Navigation, you have te following options:
    • Left Icon: Choose an icon for the left arrow.
    • Right Icon: Choose an icon for the right arrow.
    • Size: Set the size of the navigation button.
    • Icon Size: Set the size of the icon of the navigation button.
    • Similarly, border, background, color, box-shadow are given.
    • Color and size are available for dots if dots are chosen as navigation.

It is shown in the image below:

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